Kid-Approved Products: Things My Kids Actually Use!

I thought I would write this article in light of the upcoming holiday season, when all of us parents and caregivers are scratching our heads trying to figure out what to actually buy for the kids that they will actually use. I have kids ranging in age from elementary school to college. Thus, finding gifts for all four of them that I don't actually mind spending money on is not an easy task. I do want to mention that there are things that I actually don't mind buying, and my kids have used them more than once or twice.

Let me start off by saying that I am usually reluctant to buy things that are "trendy" and that all the kids have. Why do you ask? Well over the years, I have learned that those are the gifts that actually do not get used for very long at all. So, what I try to focus on is what the kids' interests are and how I can incorporate that into gifts. Here are some of the successful purchases that have lasted a while and are still in use.


My kids are obsessed with Legos and frankly, so am I. They love the "toy," and I love that they are actually being creative, using their imagination, and learning some valuable STEM lessons. You just can't go wrong. My kids, boys and girls, all have sets that they still play with. Ok, yes, the college kids don't play with them anymore, but they have passed their sets down to the younger ones to incorporate into their play.

I see this as a win-win situation. Each year something new comes out, and I look forward to seeing my kids following directions and building something on their own. And if it is too complicated for them to do alone, I actually enjoy the time we spend together working on it together.


Don't come at me, please, but we live in a day and age where it is really hard to avoid all electronics. So yes, I do indeed purchase electronics for my kids. Here are some of their favorites:

Since my children are exposed to many outdoor and extracurricular activities, I do not worry about them spending too much time on their electronics. I always buy age-appropriate things and make sure that they know all the rules to have the privilege of having said electronic. Yes, it is a privilege in our home to own these things, and it is a good tool to teach them self-regulation as well as responsibility.


One of the best things that we invested in as a family was the outdoor ice rink. All my kids love to skate, and we decided that instead of buying a bunch of little things they might not even play with, we would purchase a rink for them. The older kids love having their friends over for fun, and the younger kids love playing hockey. I love this because it keeps them active, outside, and spending time with their family. When you have children at different ages and stages, it is hard to find something that they all enjoy, and this one was a hit.

Another fun thing that we like to get for the outdoors is anything beach, pool, or sports related. Our kids love spending time at the beach or pool. They also love sports, so why not invest in these things and let them play. Some things that worked out for us were:

All these have seen many years of use, and I don't mind spending the money on them as long as they are actually used!


I will definitively suggest getting the older ones household items that they might eventually take to their home, dorm, or apartment and actually use while still at home with you.

One of my daughters loves to cook, so every year we add more kitchen supplies so that she can now move into her new home. Some of the items are expensive, so it's a perfect gift for those who love to cook. This year she has been trying to steal our air fryer, so I think that it might have to make it on the list. But shhhhhhh, don't tell her yet.

Other useful things are: furniture, bedding, and room accessories.


I mentioned them above for outdoor ideas, but I think this warrants its own category. We have purchased things such as:

  • Lacrosse Sticks

  • Hockey Sticks

  • Goalie Equipment

  • Ice Skates

  • Skis

  • Pucks

  • Indoor Ice Rink

  • Knee Hockey Equipment

  • Hockey Rolling Bags

These are just to name a few. There are so many more. As most parents and caregivers of children that participate in sports know that it can be quite expensive. So why not use gift-giving time to purchase some of the things that they will actually need for the sport they are playing or even things that they can use to improve their skills.


These, after Legos , are my favorite gifts. I have gifted a lot of fun things to my kids. There were: ballet lessons, ski lessons, zip lining, trips, theater tickets, hockey tickets, concert tickets, and fishing excursions, just to name a few. I love to watch them do these fun things and gain new experiences. Most of the time, it is also something that encourages family time and collaboration. I will never stop giving these as gifts! These types of gifts create a beautiful bond between us, allow my kids to try new things, and build lifelong memories.

I know this is a stressful time of year and we all want everything to be perfect, but from what I have learned, if you just take the time to learn what your child loves to do, their hobbies, and the toys that they play with year after year, then you will definitively get something they will love. Remember that your children will remember the spirit and effort of the gift, not how much it cost or how many gifts they received. So, try to give yourself a break and do the best that you can!


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